2023 Seminar: Christianity 101 (Christian Barrett)

If you're coming to the New Year's Conference and have expressed barriers to believing in the Christian faith, or, if you are a believer but have doubts that feel difficult to overcome, this seminar will take time to engage with a few common barriers to belief, and hopefully, find the truth to help with overcoming your barriers to belief and persistent doubts.

2023 Seminar: Church and the College Years (Andrew Vandermass)

As a Christian you are welcomed into the family of God. While that truth connects us with believers all over the world, it is given particular expression in the local church for the benefit of every believer — including college students. Being a part of a local church is an incredible resource for you now, and learning to appreciate this resource during the college years will help prepare you for the post-college years when ongoing community and discipleship are critical! Join us as together we seek to appreciate the gift of a local church family.

2023 Seminar: Evangelism (Blake Buckman)

In Luke chapter 5 we see a story of four friends trying hard to get their paralyzed friend to Jesus for healing. They're so desperate, they're willing to rip the roof of a house off for their buddy to encounter Jesus. They end up receiving so much more than they anticipated. Do you have a desire for your friends to know Jesus like these guys? Come hear about why God wants to use YOU for evangelism and learn about some practical and simple ways to share your faith with your friends. Let's be willing to rip off the roof to get even one person to Jesus.

2022 Seminar: Autonomy, Myself, and I

Taylor Swift did a commencement speech at NYU in 2022 in which she told them, “It can be really challenging to figure out who you are on a particular day as you are figuring out where you want to go. I have good news, It’s totally up to you. I have terrifying news, It’s totally up to you.” Ever feel pressure to validate yourself, follow your heart, figure out who you are, do anything you put your mind to, or any of a dozen other popular mantras? Let’s think about the good, the bad, and the impossibility of it all.

-Paul Poteat

2022 Seminar: Leadership That Matters

Tony Dentman is a speaker, author, as well as a life and fundraising coach. He is the Founder and Executive Director of the Funding Tribe Foundation (2018). He is passionate about leadership, diversity, and fundraising, and has a career history of coaching and equipping team members to excel and grow into roles of expanded scope and responsibility. He has over 14 years of experience as a fundraising coach and has trained hundreds of leaders.